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symmetry plane中文是什么意思

用"symmetry plane"造句"symmetry plane"怎么读"symmetry plane" in a sentence


  • 对称面
  • 对称平面


  • The results show that the heaviest stress concentration is found at the interval nozzle - vessel junction of the longitudinal symmetry plane , while the stress concentration around the external junction is decrease because of the welded joint
  • An experimental study on the aerodynamic characteristics of new concept car is conducted by model wind tunnel test , covering the pressure coefficient and wake vortices on longitudinal symmetry plane , as well as aerodynamic forces and moments under different yaw angles
  • Abstract : approximate methods for calculating aerodynamic heating rates on space shuttles are discussed . various methods are given for predicting the heating rate at axisymmetric stagnation points , general three dimensional stagnationpoints and the leading edge stagnation point of wings . numerous laminar and turbulent heating techniques for flat plates and cones are analyzed and compared . a brief review of some methods is presented to predict heating rate for winward centerline and lateral direction off the symmetry plane . the results show that the methods are simpler and can guarantee enought precision for predicting aerodynamic heating environment of space shuttles
用"symmetry plane"造句  
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